Saturday Night Dances
3 couples volunteer to coordinate the dances. Prizes are given away on tickets every 2 weeks. $5 entrance fee. Entertainment hired by word of mouth. Great entertainment, rehired of course.
Come play scrabble, meets 1 time per week at 10am. Dictionaries available, laughing can be heard outside of the clubhouse when this group gets together.
Sensible Weight Loss
Going on 7 years. Everyone does their own, subject matter every week, discuss concerns material is available, guides can be bought, no dues or fees, donation acceptable eating habits, are given friends (same issues).
6 mornings per week, league plays 2 afternoons outside of the park with other parks any skill level welcomed a lot of fun we have between 30-45 people come meet new people.
Sunday Ice Cream Social
Every Sunday night from 6:15 – 8 p.m. Entertainment from 7- 8 usually a band and they play for 1 hour so that people can dance. Serve ice cream from 6:15 – 7 1.00 per bowl for the ice cream and a 50/50 ticket is sold. All done by volunteers. 6 volunteers every week, 4 […]
Water Aerobics
Tape led, nobody is over this they just listen to the tape and bounce.
Water Aerobics
This is a tape led event.
Shuffleboard is Monday - Saturday 9:30 A.M. Clubhouse 1 Courts